

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in flight and the people I meet along the way!

I hope you enjoy the wonderings of an old grey hair!

Stay Safe,

The Journey Begins (sort of)

The Journey Begins (sort of)

I had planned from a very young age, and especially after playing in all kinds of aircraft at the Grumman Plant, to become a Navy Flyer. But as I went through grade school, I found it harder and harder to see the blackboard in the front of the classroom. As I entered Junior High School, I finally had to accept the fact that I would be wearing glasses for the remainder of my life.

My career as a Navy Pilot was not to be. I continued to build and fly RC aircraft and to read anything and everything aviation related. While in High School, I had to decide the direction I would go upon graduation. I wanted to study engineering like my dad. I guess all sons want to grow up to be their fathers, but was discouraged by my parents as they felt the recent invention of the personal computer was going to have a significant impact upon employment opportunities for engineers.

One of the advantages of being a Grumman Family, was the access to a number of special interest groups. The founder of Grumman Aircraft, Leroy Grumman, believed that happy workers were more productive and so he encouraged and helped underwrite many employee activities.

One of these was the GACE Flying Club. For a very reasonable price, an employee could earn his wings. Since we were a part of the Grumman family, we as family members were allowed to participate too!

I began training in my sophomore year of college. My flight instructor, Phillip Drapala, was amazing. A former WWII Fighter pilot and wonderful mentor. I learned so much from him that would impact my life for ever more.

I soloed in 1982 and flew as often as my schedule, weather and finances would allow.

Grumman Aviation Flying Club

Grumman Aviation Flying Club

Cesna Aircraft

Cesna Aircraft

The Old School

The Old School

The Family

The Family