

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in flight and the people I meet along the way!

I hope you enjoy the wonderings of an old grey hair!

Stay Safe,

The Next Chapter

The Next Chapter

And so the next chapter begins. I have spent my entire adult life caring for people, be it as a Paramedic, Firefighter, or Officer. I have always strived to further the Mission of saving lives. After I retired from the Fire Department, I was very fortunate to be able to become a part of the Laerdal Mission of Saving Lives through improving patient care through simulation.

Laerdal, a Norwegian company that manufactures patient simulators. From 25 week old pre-mature babies, to new born babies, to children and adults. They even have an adult simulator that delivers a baby.

These simulator systems are purchased by Nursing Schools, Physician Assistant Programs, Medical Schools, the Military and Fire and EMS agencies. They are designed to allow care providers to practice skills that are high risk but low frequency.

As an educator for the Laerdal, I travel to institutions that have purchased a system and teach their educators how to use and incorporate the simulators into their educational curriculum. I regularly interact with Nurses, Doctors, EMT’s, Paramedics, PA’s, etc. I have been all over the country teaching. It’s a great job!

Back to the Sky!

Back to the Sky!

Time for a change...

Time for a change...